Xylophone is African name which mean wood sound. Xylophone is also known as glockenspiel which are percussion family.Xylophone gives more rounded sound and right angle sound than piano like vibraphone.we provide you simple application at which feel you real xylophone on your hand.we make it simple so it not consume more space on your device. and you can use its without spacing issue and use it long time without any worryXylophone is one of the best compact soundbar.Also we provide you 4 extra background music to enjoy with your skill of xylophone* Feature:~ 24+ different xylophone sound bar which are divides in 12-12 two different track~ 4 amazing and beautiful studio sound for background music~ each wood of xylophone are different colored for colorful environment~ Precious natural background for feel relaxed~ Xylophone is also sound like cultured sound by bottle or glass sound. ~ easy to handle and simple to touch multiple sound bar at a time~ Show your xylophone playing skill to your friend and share your tune.~~More Feature are coming soon~~